Elk Run Cemetery
About the Cemetery
The Elk Run Cemetery has been in use for over 200 years and has historic roots going as deep as the town itself. Renovations in recent years have revealed the locations of over 280 unmarked graves in the cemetery, with many of them located in a known slave section. Each of these graves is marked with a stone reading “Unknown” in respectful acknowledgement of those who have passed. The cemetery is well maintained all year round with courteous, knowledgeable staff available from 8:00 AM thru 4:00 PM Monday - Friday. They welcome the opportunity to answer any questions regarding cemetery maintenance, plot purchasing and columbarium purchasing options.
Cemetery Location:
100 Elk Run Drive
Elkton, VA 22827
Delores Hammer
Find a Grave Site
Find out your loved one's assigned Section, Lot #, and Space # on the Interred Report.
Find the section number you are looking for in the Cemetery Grave Assignment Map.
Announcement of Columbarium
The Elk Run Cemetery Advisory Commission and Elkton Town Council are proud to announce the addition of a Columbarium at the Elk Run Cemetery. A Columbarium is an above-grade structure designed for the respectful and public storage of cinerary urns. The cremated remains of loved ones can be stored within 12”x12” niches inside the Columbarium. A memorial plaque will appear on the exterior of each niche, identifying the name, dates of life and personal information of the loved ones whose remains are interred within.
The Cemetery Advisory Commission is pleased to announce that the Cemetery Director will begin pre-selling niches beginning July 1, 2020. The cost for each niche and one opening and closing is $1,200. Each 12”x 12” niche will hold two cremains. If a second set of cremains are added to a niche, there will be an additional second right $200 fee.
The town offers an interest free payment plan option. Please contact the Cemetery Office daily at 540-713-4062 during the hours of 8:00am - 4:00pm for additional information.
Cemetery Commission
Members of the Cemetery Commission are appointed by Town Council.
The Commission shall meet the second Monday of the months of January and June at 6:00 PM. When a meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the day following unless the Commission selects an alternative day.
Meetings of the Commission may be held in the conference room at Town Hall, 173 W. Spotswood Avenue, Elkton, Virginia 22827 after proper notice.
Cemetery Rules and Marker Regulations
Cemetery Rules
(a) For the purpose of preserving the beauty and symmetry of the grounds, and of protecting lot owners from the vagaries of bad taste, the Commission reserves the right to control the character of frames or other ornaments that may be constructed upon any lot; and when, in the opinion of the Commission, such structures are detrimental to the appearance or convenience of the grounds, the same may be removed at the cost of the Commission. No stone, marker, coping or any other ornament of any sort may be placed on any lot unless set in concrete which projects at least four inches on all four sides of such copying or ornament. This bylaw will be strictly enforced and the Commission claims the right to change any such markers, copings and ornaments to conform to this rule at the expense of the lot owner if necessary.
(b) When workmen are engaged in erecting monuments, or doing any other building on the grounds, they must use great care in protecting the neighboring lots from injury, and upon finishing their work must, without delay, clean up all litter and dirt, and remove all machinery, lumber, and materials used by them, and when the workmen fail to comply with the above conditions, the Town Manager, under whose general supervision all such work is done, shall cause the grounds to be cleared of all dirt, etc., and recover the costs thereof from the owner(s) of said lots or lots.
(c) When an owner of a lot shall so neglect to keep the same in order and it shall detract from the general good appearance of the cemetery, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the owner of the condition of his lot to request him, in the name of the Commission, to put it in good order. Should such request be not complied with, the Commission shall have the right to make such repairs and do such work as may be necessary to put the lot and/or space in good order, and charge the cost of same to the owner of said lot or spaces.
(d) The Commission may annually access the owner of each lot with a sum applied to the general improvement of the grounds. The term lot, as used in this section, shall include all the grounds lying contiguous and owned and used as a whole, even though it contains more than one lot as laid down on the plat of the grounds.
(e) When a lot has been purchased, and the purchaser has not paid for said lot, the Commission shall have the right to remove the remains of those who have been buried therein to some suitable place to be provided for this purpose, and after such removal the Commission shall have the right to resell said lot. After such removal the title to said lot shall revert to the Town of Elkton and it may be sold by them in a deed issued therefore as though the lot had never been sold. When a lot or any portion thereof has been abandoned, the title to the unused portion shall revert to the Town of Elkton. It shall be the direct responsibility of the lot owner to keep the Commission advised of the full and complete address of the person to whom communications regarding the said cemetery lot should be mailed. Failure to do so can affect the title to said lot as stated in this section. If the owner of such lot shall fail to pay the assessment thereon for a period of ten years, the same shall be deemed to be abandoned within the meaning of this section.
(f) No interment shall be made without the consent of the owner thereof.
(g) No trees, shrubs, flowers or vines shall be planted in any lot, nor shall any growing thing be removed without express consent of the Town Manager. Fresh flowers will be removed when faded, artificial flowers will be limited to two arrangements per grave from Christmas to the start of the mowing season at which time they will be removed. This rule will be strictly enforced from the start of, and throughout the mowing season (May through October). Said rule does not apply to arrangements placed so as not to interfere with mowing operations. Vehicles must be kept strictly on the roadways. Visitors will be required to keep on the walks, and not pull flowers or shrubs or injure the trees. Children, not attended by grown persons who will be responsible for their behavior, will not be admitted.
(h) The placement of a vault is mandatory in the Elk Run Cemetery. (Amended Jun. 2007)
(I) One cremation and one vault may be placed in a single space. Two cremations may be placed per single space
(Amended Jun. 2007)
-Elk Run Cemetery Commission
Marker Regulations
Effective June 23, 2001 the following regulations have been adopted by the Elk Run Cemetery Commission. This regulation must be adhered to due to the fact a single grave has been reduced to 39" wide. Please share this information with your clients. Recently, a family had to purchase an extra grave space to accommodate the stones.
No double stone or memorial will be accepted which is over 5 feet long or over 16 inches wide.
A single stone or memorial shall not be over 2 feet 6 inches long or over 16 inches wide.
A minimum of one or more days notice is required before delivering stone.
When delivering stone, you will need to provide the following information:
Lot owner’s name
Space number
Lot number
Section number
If any of the above requirements are not met, the stone or memorial shall not be placed.
For any business concerning the Elk Run Cemetery, contact Delores Hammer at 540-713-4062.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Cost Structure
Have you considered purchasing your burial plots in advance? The current rate for a space is $1000.00 for Town residents and $1500.00 for out of town.
The town now offers an interest free payment plan option for those who don't have cash funds available. Contact the Cemetery Office daily at 540-713-4062 during the hours of 8:00am - 4:00pm for additional information.
Additionally, when a burial occurs the Town of Elkton charges a $750.00 fee to open and close the grave effective September 1, 2019. This fee is not payable in advance. Once someone is buried maintenance personnel removes dead flowers, seeds and levels the grave. Owners have the option to purchase a space and place a stone on their space at any time.
The Elk Run Cemetery is well maintained all year round. Our courteous, knowledgeable staff is available from 8:00am thru 4:00pm daily and welcome the opportunity to address your concerns. You may call the office at 540-713-4062.
email dhammer@townofelkton.com